Unsure of what to write about this week, I was browsing through a few videos I had favorited on Youtube when I came across this little gem. It's really worth watching to the end if you've got a moment as a true testament to the time and effort put into crafting the worlds we regularly stain with alien guts and zombie giblets. This video inspired me to speak on a subject that has been a long time coming for me.
I'm a big Halo fan.
Halo has become somewhat of a punching bag among gamers. The series has been accused of being stale, unoriginal, milked, and responsible for the rise and domination of first person shooters we see today. There are plenty of good arguements on this side and I'm not here to try and disprove or devalue any of these opinions/accusations. I'm just here to defend one of my favorite franchises to the best of my ability.